
Issue 99 - 14th May 2024
In all cases click on the "Blue Hyperlink" to go to the respecitive Section or Sub-Regulation.
Reference to Teams in all Colts League Documentation and Regulations refers to the Responsible Persons in charge of Team Admin and is hereinafter assumed to mean the Team Manager or Head Coach or both as applicable...
1. League Entry / Membership...
- Entry / Membership Criteria is detailed in the Constitution.
- Teams must join their Local Referees Society.
- Further Referee requirements and guidance are given in the Referee Protocol Regulations.
- Guest Teams outwith the Manchester or Liverpool Referees Societies must eMail proof of the support of their Local Referees' Society to the Hon Secretary by the last weekend of July; before the start of each season.
- The League's Pre-Entry Meeting in March is to prepare Teams for the coming season and must be attended by all Teams.
- Teams who are not represented at the Pre-Entry Meeting by their Manager or Lead Coach will have their entry seriously questioned.
- Such absent Teams may not be permitted to enter next season's Colts League.
- The League's AGM & Pre-Season Meeting will normally be held in August.
- ALL TEAMS must send at least one Representative (Manager or Coach) to the AGM & Pre-Season Managers Meeting who MUST be involved with the day to day running of the Team; on penalty of a 2 point deduction for not attending.
2. Player Eligibility & Registrations...
- ALL Players must be eligible paid-up members of their Club.
- Players must be registered in accordance with the League's Squad Registration Regulations.
3. Seeded Leagues...
- Teams will play in Senior (U18) Colts or Junior (U17) Colts Leagues.
- Leagues will be seeded to provide equitable games of competitive Rugby where Players can develop their game.
- Seeding will be based on previous season’s results in consultation with Managers and Coaches.
- Teams MUST provide seeding feedback per the Seeding Regulations.
4. Fixtures...
- Fixtures are in line with the Structured Season.
- Fixtures are published once the Seeded Leagues have been ratified; target is 1st July.
- Honouring Fixtures is paramount and Sanctions apply for those who renege.
- Further Fixture and Match Preparation details are given in the Pre-Match Regulations.
- Matches are governed by the Matchday Regulations.
5. Referees...
- Home Teams must apply to their Local Referee Society for the appointment of a Society Referee in accordance with the Referee Protocol Regulations.
- Appointments are normally arranged through your Club’s Referee Society Contact (Senior Section).
- Coaches or Club Members refereeing their own Team is not a satisfactory arrangement for competitive Colts League matches where Referees should be independant and must have been officially appointed by the Local Society. Referees must not be associated with the Home Club.
- Should any Team experience difficulty with the official appointments channel from their Local Society they should inform their League Secretary who will give them every assistance.
- Should the Home Team be unable to provide an Independant Society Referee they should inform their Visitors before the day of the game as Visitors may be able to access and provide a Society Referee to officiate.
- That failing the Visitors should be invited to provide a Club Referee to officiate.
- That failing the Home Team may provide their Club Referee.
- Failing all of the aforementioned the Managers can agree on one of the Coaches to referee the whole game.
- If agreement cannot be reached whom should Referee this will be decided on the Toss of a Coin.
- All avenues must be explored to ensure games go ahead.
- If games are postponed through No Referee there are very few opportunities to re-arrange.
- In any event the Home Team is obliged to cover the Referee’s expenses.
- When a match is re-arranged in the Fixtures Calendar do not assume your Referees’ Society will know. Other than in exceptional circumstances Teams must give their Society at least 7 days notice of all re-scheduled dates.
6. Law...
- These Colts League Regulations are the applicable Laws and Regulations governing all Colts League & Cup matches.
- WorldRugby Laws of the Game and Under 19 Variations plus the appropriate section of RFU Regulation 15 also appliy to all Colts League Games.
7. Fair Play / Discipline / Conduct / Red Cards...
- The Colts League encourages Fair Play and Good Sportsmanship and awards a Senior Colts Fairplay Trophy and a Junior Colts Fairplay Trophy at the end of the season to reward the same.
- A Team's Fairplay record is taken into account at the end of the season for Teams level on points in the Tables.
- All Managers Coaches Players and Spectators must respect and abide by the RFU Regulations, the Laws of the Game, the Colts League Regulations, and the Colts League Code of Conduct.
- The League has a responsibility to its Member Teams and Players and will not hesitate to take steps to remove any Team from the Competition for Player or Referee abuse by Players Coaches or Spectators, or for other misconduct (as defined in the RFU’s Definitions) on or off the field, whether by Players Coaches other Officials Club Members or Spectators which in the opinion of the League Committee amounts to conduct which is prejudicial to the interests of the game or brings the game into disrepute.
- Should the League Committee receive a written report of misconduct from the Referee or other named person then having obtained any further and necessary written evidence in support of the allegation(s) the League Committee may refer the matter to the appropriate County Disciplinary Committee with a request that formal disciplinary proceedings are taken against an individual and/or Club.
- In so referring the matter the League Committee shall also be at liberty to make a recommendation to the appropriate Disciplinary Committee as to the appropriate punishment as defined in paragraph 8.2.2 of the RFU’s Disciplinary Regulations. In this respect it should be noted that appropriate punishment shall include but not be limited to for a person, a reprimand, a financial penalty or suspension from playing, administration or both, and for a Club or Team, in addition to these penalties, deduction of league points, relegation or exclusion or disqualification from any competition.
- If the Referee abandons a match for any reason other than the weather conditions then irrespective of the number of minutes played the result of the match may be determined by the League Committee.
- If any Player or Coach is Red Carded before during or after a League match they will be subject to a Disciplinary Hearing and possibly a ban.
- If a Spectator is abusive towards the Referee or Opposition Players Coaches or Spectators, or a Spectator encroaches onto the playing enclosure, the Referee is at liberty to issue a Red Card to said Spectator, who must be removed immediately from the vicinity of the playing enclosure.
- Referees are obliged to submit a Sending off Report and Colts Team Managers must report Red Card offenders on the Match Result Card as well as to their own Senior Club Secretary as per the Disciplinary Regulations.
- If a Player, Team, or Club is found to be repeatedly appearing before a Disciplinary Committee the League will request the County CB Disciplinary Secretary look into the situation. In exceptional circumstances the League may itself convene a Hearing to consider further sanction.
- Disputes or complaints should be notified to the Hon' Secretary by phone and eMail within 24 hours of the relevant game or situation.
- The Colts League Committee shall be the arbiter in all cases involving disputes or complaints and shall have the authority to make decisions at any time on matters which are not covered by either these Regulations or Sub-Regulations the League Cup Regulations or the Constitution of the North West Colts League.
- A Club shall have the right of Appeal against any such decision made by the Colts League Committee, the procedure for which is detailed in the Constitution #9.7
8. Match Results / League Points / League Tables...
- Results must be reported per the Post Match Regulations.
- By TEXT: to be sent by Both Managers to their League Secretary.
- By eMail: Managers to complete and submiit their Match Cards.
- League Points will be awarded as follows :~
Win |
5 Points |
No Front Row Win |
3 Points |
Draw |
3 Points |
No Front Row Draw |
2 Points |
Loss |
1 Point |
Given a Walkover |
5 Points |
Concede a Walkover |
0 Points |
Loss by 7 or less |
+1 Point |
- At the end of the Season the Winners of each of the League Titles will be the Team having accumulated the most points gained from wins, draws, losses, and losing bonus points.
- Points (scored) difference is not used to determine the League Winners.
- In the event that 2 or more teams are level on Table points the League Winners will be determined by the League Committee based on:
a. The difference in results and scores of the Head-to-Head League Matches played between the Teams tied on equal points.
...or if still equal:
b. The Difference in the respective Disciplinary records.
ie: Number of Red and/or Yellow cards issued to players from the Teams finishing on equal points.
c. The Fairplay Record will also be taken into account.
- Games remaining unplayed at the end of the Season will be determined a 0-0 draw with 3 points awarded to each Team.
- In exceptional circumstances the League Committee may determine the result of or award any game as it feels appropriate, including but not limited to the allocation of table points.
- Where Teams withdraw from the League their results are liquidated and removed from the records.
- Trophies & Medals are awarded to the respective League Champions.
- The John Munn FairPlay Trophies are awarded to the Senior & Junior Colts Teams with the best Fairplay Record.
- The League's Presentation Evening will be held at the end of the League Season, Date TBA...
9. Cup Competitions...
- The League Cup Competitions are per the Structured Season.
- The Colts League Cups are governed by the League Cup Regulations.