Seeding Regulations...

Issue 40 - 19th April 2024
1. Seeding Process - Reasoning...
- The Colts League seeds Teams into Leagues of similar ability.
- The Seeding Process is wholely dependant on Managers' and Coaches' accurate feedback as they best know their own Team, as well as their regular recent opponents; it is therefore extremely important every Team assists the Colts League by contributing to the process.
- Seeding is not an accurate science, being based on feedback, opinion, and the mean average of declared and known results.
- Getting the Seeding as near right as possible is important...
- Achieving evenly Seeded Leagues delivers equitable games of Colts League Rugby where Players can best develop their game.
- It is in no Team's interest to be seeded too low and to be winning by a cricket score each weekend, nor is it helpful to be seeded too high and to be taking a regular drubbing.
- Seeding is based primarily on Teams' Feedback of Seeding Info, SquadReg Info, plus Managers' opinion on Team Ratings.
- A Team Rating Form will be published when all the Entries are in. ie: after the Entry Deadline.
- Junior U17's Teams should also please submit RESULTS from their U16's Season to
2. Team Ratings...
- Teams will be asked to Rate all Teams of which they have experience.
- The League Seeding Panel meets mid-June to review League Seedings.
- Leagues will not be changed once the seedings have been determined.
- Target publication date for Colts League Fixtures is 1st July each season.
3. Prelim' & Conference Leagues 2024/2025...
- This season there could be Prelim' Leagues followed by Conference Leagues, or a Regular Straight-Through League.
This will be determined once all entries are known.
- The use of Preliminary & Conference Leagues permits the League to restructure approximately 1/3 of the way through the season if needed to make adjustments for incorrect seeding and any withdrawals.
- Please refer to the Structured Season.
Any Queries:
Should be directed to: