Transition Weeks...

Noun: (Pronunciation) tranˈzɪʃ(ə)n/

<< the process or period of changing from one state, or condition to another. >>

Transition in Rugby Union relates to players aged U19, U18 and U17, and refers to the point or time where they crossover and are introduced to playing Senior Rugby.

In the lead-up to U19’s players tend to play in teams where all their teammates are of the same age.

The Post-U19 move to Open-Age Rugby can be a shock to the system, playing with adults who could be 20 years or more older; a daunting prospect for some which can result in a loss of players to the game.

Transition Weeks:
In collaboration the RFU, the HALBRO NW Colts League and the HALBRO (NOWIRUL) Senior Leagues determined Transition Weeks will be incorporated into Colts fixtures from season 2019/2020.

The objective is to provide a conduit for the smooth introduction of players transitioning from Age-Grade Rugby to Open-Age Rugby.

World Rugby Laws of the Game, and RFU Regulations still apply.

Players Must be 17 years of age to play in Adult Matches and 18 years of age to play in the Front Row.

From 2021/2022:
The Halbro NW Colts League has designated certain Weekends as Transition Weekends.

Transition Weeks have already been published in the Fixture Lists, and the Structured Season.

Transition Weeks in Under 18s Leagues: are throughout the season.

Transition Weeks in Under 17s Leagues: are predominately in the 2nd half of the season; when more players will have attained the age of 17.

Halbro (NOWIRUL) Senior Leagues will for their part make sure a full fixture list of League games is being played on these Transition Weekends to facilitate the introduction of Colts Players to the Senior Game, on a Saturday, which is encouraged.

Each Clubs’ co-operation is also required to create a successful Transition for their players.

Colts Team Managers and Coaches should collaborate with Senior Team Captains, Managers, and Coaches to enable Colts players of the correct age to be nurtured and introduced into the Senior Teams on designated weekends if at all possible.

It is important Colts players are encouraged to become part of the Adult Teams during these weekends, even if they are coming on from the subs bench.

In a perfect scenario Clubs could appoint a Transition Manager (maybe a previous year's Colts Manager or Coach) to act as a conduit between the Colts and the Senior Teams / Players, and to handle rekated issues.

The Nett result should be Clubs' retaining the maximum number of 17, 18, and 19 year-old Players within the Senior Club.

Colts Departing for University:
Recognizing many players of this age can also be lost to their Clubs when they depart for University, never to return, it is suggested an Old Colts Reunion Game can be beneficial in keeping in touch with such players, either In August (as a pre-season warmup) before they go back to Uni’, or even at Xmas or Easter.

We have reports from a number of Clubs how positive this has been for them.


Good Luck in Transitioning and Retaining your Colts Players…

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