Referee Protocol Regualtions

Issue 36 - 10th July 2022
1. Join Your Local Referee Society...
- All Teams must join their Local Referee Society.
- Manchester and Liverpool Referee Societies are very supportive of Colts Rugby.
- Teams from Clubs not in membership of the Manchester or Liverpool Referees Societies must eMail proof of the support of their Local Referees' Society to the Hon Secretary by the last weekend of July; before the start of each season.
- Teams must apply for a Society Referee to be appointed to all their Home Games as soon as the fixtures are published.
2. Who Arranges Referee Appointments at Your Club... ??
- Your Senior Club will have a Referee Society Contact (RSC) - find out who this is ?
- Each Club RSC will want to arrange & confirm games with your Referee their own way - some will contact the Referee for you and let you know the name and contact number of your appointed Refree, whilst others will give you the Ref's name and contact number for you to contact them yourself.
- Your Club RSC has a handbook listing all Referee contact details and has access to the Society WebSite where Referee contact information is even more up-to-date.
- Your Club RSC should be advised in advance by the Society who your appointed Referee is.
- It is good practice to double-check your Club RSC knows the dates of all your home games - you should check these with them in advance - do not leave it until the week before a match.
- Re-scheduled Home Fixtures and Home Cup Ties should be advised to your Club RSC as soon as you know the new fixture dates, so they can arrange your Referee...
3. How does the Referee Society know of our Colts League Fixtures... ??
- M&DRURS (Manchester Referees) and L&DRURS (Liverpool Referees) both use Who's The Ref for appointing Referees to Colts games.
- It is important you liaise with your Club RSC each week, in advance, to confirm who your Referee is.
- Fixtures published on the Colts League website through GMS are known to both M&D and L&D.
- Re-arranged games are also notified to your Society as soon as they are updated on the system.
- HOWEVER - it is always good practice to inform the Society via your Club RSC of any re-arranged dates and particularly of any changes of venue you agree.
- CLRA - the Colts League Referee Association facilitates the appointment of New Referees and Clubman Referees outside the Society, and may be able to assist Colts Teams when there is a shortage of Society Referees.
NB. The Colts League Referee Association is not in competition with, but complimentary to the Local Societies. Many New and Clubman Referees have been recruited by the CLRA to officiate for Colts League matches on a Sunday, and some have gone on to join their local Society.
NEW RECRUITS to take up the Whistle are always needed and welcome...
They are unlikely to come from outside the game.
4. Making Contact with Your Referee...
- Games should be confirmed with your Referee at least a week in advance by either the Colts Team Manager or your Club RSC.
- If you leave it too late to make contact with your appointed Referee they may have made alternative arrangements, including informing the Society they have had no contact from your Club - thus making themselves available to be re-appointed to another game.
- Team Managers should always ensure they know the Referee's Name and Mobile Number - for emergency contact, or just in case things go pear shaped on the day of the game or before.
- Also - your appointed Referee may have picked up an injury and therefore be unavailable - it is up to you to establish this when you ring to confirm your game and his availability - so the sooner you make contact with them the sooner you will know if they are available or whether you need to request another Referee.
- Therefore, DO NOT LEAVE IT UNTIL the WEDNESDAY before the game - this is too late.
- PLEASE BE ADVISED: It can be dangerous to leave a message on an answerphone - ask the Referee to ring you back to confirm his availability. If he doesn't call - try him again. He may have been away.
- ALSO: Do not just leave a message with a Referee's "significant other" or children as messages are sometimes not passed on.
- An eMail is unreliable - ensure you speak to Your Referee personally.
5. What Your Referee will Need to Know...
- Team / Club / Venue - possibly with directions.
- Kick Off Time.
- Colours of BOTH Teams
...this will also prompt you to check there is no colour clash.
- Your Name & Mobile Number - for emergency contact on the day.
6. What You Need to Know...
- The Referee's Mobile Number case of a late postponement, or change of venue,
...or to check they are on their way to you.
- When your Referee expects to be arriving at your Club.
7. Doubts...
- If there is any doubt about the fixture being fulfilled it is sound practice to advise the Referee in advance so he can contact you on the day, before travelling, to ensure the game is going ahead.
- If the Referee arrives and finds the game is off and there has been no suitable attempt to prevent him travelling then Clubs will be liable to a Financial Penalty imposed by the Referee Society and a Sanction by the League.
- Always have your Referee's Mobile Number with you at all times - DO NOT forget to ring him...
8. Matchday Referee Protocol...
- Your Referee should be welcomed and offered their expenses (on arrival). They should then be shown to their changing room where changing and showering facilities should be separate from the players.
- If no separate showering facilities are available then Team Managers should ensure the Referee can shower before (not with) the players.
- Please remember - Your Referee is a Guest of your Club and should be afforded Courtesy and Hospitality - Assigning a responsible adult helper to look after your Referee can pay dividends...
- Touch Judges should not be spare players. It is helpful if the Home Team is prepared to provide two Adults to act as Touch Judges should your Visitors not be able to fulfil this commitment.
- It is also important the Touch Judges have room to operate between the touchline and the spectators.
- Spectators should be back from the field of play at all times behind a suitable barrier, as per the Code of Conduct
- Should a suitable barrier and two Technical Areas not be in place the Referee has the discretion to refuse to start any Colts League game, and will have the full support of the League Committee should this be their decision. Should this situation arise the Home Team will forfeit. Match points will be awarded to opponents and Sanction points will be deducted, as prescribed.
9. Match Cards...
- Match Cards must be filled in and handed to your Referee before each game.
- All Front Row players should be marked FR as indicated on the card.
- Straight After Match... as soon as practical ask your Referee to complete & sign the Match Card.
NB: Referees may be in a hurry to get away - it is a Sunday after all and they may have family commitments.
10. Change of Date or Venue...
- If a match is re-arranged with a change of date or venue you should notify your Referee and his Society immediately so he can make himself available to be appointed to another game.
- Teams failing to notify their Referee and His Society will be liable to a Financial Penalty imposed by their Referee Society plus the deduction of Sanction points as prescribed by the League.