Squad Registration Regulations...

Issue 56 - 01st September 2024

1. Player Eligibility and Registrations...

1. Players should be under the relevant age at midnight on
31st August of the relevant season.

2. Over-aged players are generally not permitted and should therefore not be selected.

3. In exceptional circumstances the League Committee will give due consideration to an application for a Player to play down an age-grade subject to certain conditions being met.
Such applications will only be considered once all other efforts to integrate said player into their correct age-group have been exhausted.

4. Such Over-Aged Players must have been assessed by a Level 2 Coach in line with RFU Regulation 15 and must be in possession of an RFU Dispensation signed off by their CB (County RFU).
Such dispensations must be renewed each season.

5. Any such application for an Over-Aged Player must be made in writing to the HonSec before the Entry Deadline of the relevant season.

6. U16 and U17 Players are permitted to play-up two age grades provided they are assessed as being capable by a Level 2 Coach in line with RFU Regulation 15 and provided an RFU Dispensation has been signed off by their CB (County RFU).
Such dispensations must be renewed each season.

a. Under 17’s playing-up in an Under 18's Team can play in the Front Row.
b. Under 16’s playing-up in an Under 17's Team can play in the Front Row.
c. Under 16's playing-up two age grades at U18's must not play in the Front Row.
d. Under 15's may only play up one age grade and must therefore not be selected to play in any Colts Team.

7. Playing Time:

a. Players must only play for one Colts Team in one Colts Match each weekend, with a maximum of 70 minutes of playing time.
b. Players must not play in a Junior Colts then a Senior Colts Match on the same day.
c. Players must not play in an U16's game then a Colts Match later the same day.

8. Players must be Paid-Up members of their Club:

a. Players must register / re-register (affiliate) with the RFU on GMS each season.
b. Players without an Effective RFU Registration Number cannot be selected to play.
c. Managers are reminded of RFU Regulations: All Age-Grade Players must be registered on GMS with the RFU within 45 days of them joining the Club.
d. In Combined Teams from more than one Club Players should register and affiliate with their ORIGINAL Club and then register with the HOST Club on GMS. This must be clearly identified on the Combined Team's SquadRegForm submitted to the League.

9. Managers must have access to ALL Players' GMS Records at the pitch-side or ClubHouse before the game, including access to dispensations (such as Playing-Up permissions) for Every Player they intend to field. This can be in electronic format or paper copy.

a. Photo's on GMS Records must be updated at U17.
b. GMS records must be available for inspection between Teams before each game.
c. GMS records must be checked in line with RFU Guidelines at least 30 minutes before Kick Off.
d. Teams failing to make their GMS records available for checking by their opponents will be subject to severe censure; to include but not limited to a 2 point sanction.
Repeat Offenders may also forfeit the game.

10. Teams low on numbers may be permitted an extension to the Registration Window on application to their League Secretary.
See SquadReg Reg 2 below.

11. All Players Must be registered on a SquadRegForm.

a. Initially SquadRegForms must be submitted before the Entry Deadline by eMail. Send to squadreg24@colts-rugby.org.uk.
b. DO NOT send by post or to any other eMail address.
c. Managers should keep a copy of their SquadRegForm to add new players to. Note SquadReg Reg1.12 below.
d. New / Additional Players can be added to the SquadRegForm at any stage of the season.
e. New Players should be added to the SquadRegForm which should be eMailed to the League before a Player can be fielded.
f. Returning (unaffiliated) Players must not play in any Colts League match until they are properly registered / affiliated on GMS and with the League on the SquadRegForm.
g. Players not on the SquadRegForm and not registered on GMS must not be selected to play.
h. Transfer of Players from another Club is permitted although Team Managers & Coaches must not actively solicit the services of a Player from another Club.
i. Managers must ensure any Transferring Player updates their GMS registration / affiliation to reflect their New Club.
j. A Player transferring in is NOT eligible to play for their New Club until they are BOTH effectively registered on GMS and registered with the League on their New Team's SquadRegForm.

NB: Please add New Players to your original SquadReg Form, re-date, and re-submit.
NB2: DO NOT submit multiple SquadRegForms with only one or two players on them - this makes extra work for League Volunteers.

12. Playing Unregistered or Over-Aged Players without a Dispensation in place will incur a sanction of at least 2 points per offence and may incur a game to be forfeit. The League will also report offending Clubs to their CB.

NB: Registering as a Colts does NOT register a Player as an Adult. Please refer to GMS / RFU Guidelines on U17's playing Adult Rugby. Your County CB Safeguarding Manager will be able to help in this Matter.


2. Player Registration Window...

  1. The Colts League's Player Registration Window closes on 28th February each season.
  2. Players changing Clubs cannot be registered with a Colts League Team after this date unless granted a special dispensation by the League.
  3. New players to the Game or to an area may be permitted to register after this date on application to the League via your League Secretary.
  4. Such New Players must not be fielded until approval has been given by the League.

Any Queries:
Should be directed to: league.admin@colts-rugby.org.uk


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