Lancs Colts Cup ~ Update and onto Round 2...



Following the Prelim Round Ties played today, Sunday 1st October, the full Round 2 Draw has been published on GMS and on the Colts League website.

It can be accessed on the Cups / County Cups pages of the above Menu...

or by clicking the below links...

Frank Morgan U18 Cup.

Rob Briers U17 Cup.

Round 2 Ties:
...are scheduled for Sun 22nd October.

Home Teams:
Please remember to book your Society Referee early to ensure one is available.

Trophy Ties:
The Joe McDonough U18 Trophy and Alan James U17 Trophy will be Drawn following the Round 2 Ties.


Good Luck.

Regards in Colts Rugby.
Jon Kitchen 
Jon Kitchen - Lancs Colts Cup Secretary.


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