League Cup Regulations

Issue 28 - 25th August 2022
Entry into the League Cup Competitions is automatic for Colts League Member Teams at no additional cost.
- The Colts League Cup Competition(s) will be known collectively as the HALBRO Colts League Cup.
- The objective of the League Cup is to provide more Colts Rugby potentially against Teams from other Leagues.
- The League Cup draw will be undertaken by the Committee in time for the First Round Ties.
- The draw will be published as soon as practicable thereafter on the Colts League WebSite.
- Games must be played on or before the appointed date on the ground of the Club first drawn.
- Fixtures must be confirmed in advance between Teams.
- Senior Colts games will Kick-Off at 2.00pm and Junior Colts at 12.30pm.
- Kick-off times may be changed if mutually agreed.
- All games must be refereed by a Society Referee. Applications for Referees are the responsibility of the Home Team.
- If a Home Team’s pitches are unavailable or unfit then Team Managers must make their best efforts to find another local pitch. This failing the Home Team MUST forgo their home advantage, the fixture must be reversed, and the Fixtures Secretary and Referee must be informed immediately.
- Teams who's pitches have known problems must make themselves aware of the state of their pitches in advance and must be prepared to make arrangements as per the above Regulation.
- Adverse Weather Conditions are the only acceptable reason to postpone. Teams must inform their Referee immediately, by phone, when any such decision is made.
- Failure by the Home Team to immediately inform their appointed Referee of a postponement or switch of venue will result the game being forfeit, in addition to any financial penalty the Referee Society may impose.
- Teams unable to agree on the suitability of a pitch should seek assistance from the Referee as to whether a match may start or continue.
- Postponed or abandoned Cup Ties must be reported by TEXT by BOTH Teams to the League Fixtures Secretary.
- Postponements due to inclement weather will be re-arranged in agreement with the League Fixtures Secretary whom both Teams must contact.
- Cup Ties abandoned due to inclement weather - score at the time shall stand provided Half-Time has been reached; otherwise the game shall be replayed.
- Should a Cup Match be abandoned for any other reason the League Committee may determine the result or award the game.
- The League Cup Finals will be played at a suitable venue to be appointed by the League Committee.
- Clubs are invited to express their interest in hosting the League Cup Finals to the HonSec with Expressions of Interest to be received by the 1st Saturday in September.
- For the benefit of the Referee shirts must be numbered with distinctive legible large sized numbers on the back. Letters or other markings are not permitted. Traditional Positional Numbers are required by the Referee Societies.
- It is the Home Team’s responsibility to change kit in the event of a colour clash.
- In the Cup Finals a colour change will be decided on the toss of a coin before the game.
- Both Teams must arrive prepared to change.
- Changes from your Club's normal kit colours MUST be advised to the HonSec so your Club Page on the Colts League Website can be updated. Teams should also notify their Opponents and the Referee.
- Players must be under the respective age on the 1st September of the relevant year. No Over-Age Players permitted.
- Players must be registered on GMS with the RFU and with the Colts League in accordance with the Squad Registration Regulations.
- Players may only play for one Club in the League Cup Competition and are Cup Tied to that Club.
- Players may only play for one of their Club's Colts Teams per weekend.
- RFU Young Player Registration Cards must be made available on request to opposition Managers & Coaches and must be checked in line with RFU guidelines at least 30 minutes before kick-off.
- Half-Game Rule applies; any number of players may be selected. All MUST be Named on the Match Card.
- All games are played under World Rugby Laws of the Game and Under 19 Variations.
- Relevant sections of the Colts League Matchday Regulations apply to all Cup Ties.
- Managers Coaches and Replacements must remain within a Marked Technical Area, other than when bringing on water.
- All Colts League Cup or Bowl or Vase matches must start with a recognised front row, otherwise the Offending Team will forfeit the game.
- If during a Colts League Cup or Bowl or Vase match the Referee has to order uncontested scrummages due to none availability of suitably trained replacement players the game will continue as a competitive match save for the scrummages which when uncontested will simply be a method of restarting the game.
- If at the start of or during a Colts League Plate or Shield match the Referee has to order uncontested scrummages due to none availability of suitably trained players the match will start or continue as a competitive match save for the scrummages which when uncontested will simply be a method of restarting the game.
- In the event of any Cup Tie going to Uncontested Scrums then RFU Regulations 13.5.10 and 13.5.11 (Man-Off Rule) apply at all times...
- In the event of a draw after the 70 minutes maximum playing time there is no extra time.
- The result will be decided on; number of tries, then number of conversions from tries.
- If still equal the away side goes through.
- If the Venue has been switched in order to ensure the Tie is played then the away side is the one which travelled.
- If a Neutral Venue has been arranged in order to ensure the Tie is played then the away side is the one was originally drawn as the away side.
- In the Final a drawn game will be decided on countback as above.
- If still equal, 5 penalty kicks at goal will be taken alternately, each by a different player, from the 22 metre line in front of the goal posts. Kickers will be selected only from those on the pitch at no-side. The Team with the most successful number of kicks wins.
- If still even, further kicks are to be taken by different players, still selected form those on the pitch at No Side on a sudden death basis until a result is obtained.
- A player who is suspended by the County Disciplinary Committee is not permitted to play in the League Cup Competition.
- Both Teams must report the Result by TEXT per to the League Fixtures Secretary by 6pm Sunday. ...See this Example Text...
- Remember - Postponed Games must also be reported by TEXT - by 6pm Sunday.
- EMC Match Cards must be completed and sent in per the Post Match Regulations by 6pm Monday.
- Failure to observe the Results Reporting Protocol detailed above may result in a Team's exclusion from the Competition.
- In exceptional circumstances, where a Manager is obstructive or non co-operative regarding the playing of a fixture by a given date the Committee may determine the result of or award any such game.
- Any Team conceding a Walkover will take no further part in the Competition.
- Disputes or complaints should be notified to the HonSec by eMail within 24 hours of the relevant game or situation.
- The Committee shall be the arbiter in all cases involving disputes or complaints and shall have the authority to make decisions at any time on matters which are not covered by the Regulations or the Constitution of the North West Colts League.
- A Club shall have the right of Appeal against any such decision made by the Colts League Committee.
- The appeal procedure is detailed in the Constitution.