Provisional Seeded Leagues Published...

Following deliberations by the Seeding Panel the Provisional Seeded Leagues for the 2024/2025 season have been determined and published as follows:
Senior U18 Leagues Junior U17 Leagues
Seeding is based on information received from Managers who submitted their seeding feedback and rating forms; for which we thank them...
Teams who believe they have been incorrectly seeded have 10 days
(ie: until Sat 22nd June) to make substantive representation to the League Seeding Panel by eMail to:
Confirmation of acceptance of your Team's Seeding would also be appreciated.
Fixtures for Season 2024/2025...
We plan to publish the League Fixtures by 1st July.
Fixtures will be in line with the Structured Season.
Regards in Colts Rugby.
Jon Kitchen - Chairman.
Halbro NW Colts League.