Countdown to ENTRY DEADLINE...

Following Publication of the Online Entry Applications on 23rd April the Colts League Committee are still concerned with the relatively low number of Entries to date.

See here: Entries Update

The Deadline is just over a week away on Sunday 19th May 2024 yet there are only 17 x Senior Colts and 13 x Junior Colts Entries in so far.

Initial expressions of interest detailed Here from back in March does not constitute an Entry...

All Teams should now submit their Official Entry Application Forms Soonest please.

The Entry Deadline is Sunday 19th May 2024
Please don't wait until then !!

This Deadline will not be extended as we have Leagues to Seed and Fixtures to compute...

Your timely response would therefore be appreciated.

Thanks in anticipation...

Regards in Colts Rugby.
Jon Kitchen 
Jon Kitchen - Chairman.
Halbro NW Colts League.


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