REMINDER ~ Pre-Entry Meeting...

Calling Notice...
Pre-Entry Managers Meeting:
Date: Weds 12th March 2025
Time: 7 for 7.30pm
Venue: Bowdon RUFC
Address : Clay Lane, Timperley. WA15 7AF
Click here for directions from your own Location.
The Colts League will be hosting the above informative meeting to prepare Team Managers & Coaches for entry into next season's Leagues.
Please reserve this Date in your diary now.
Current Under 16's (Junior Colts Next Season) Managers & Coaches:
...should please complete the Pre-Season Registration Form which is found here
Please complete Now... !!
Current Under 17's (Senior Colts Next Season) Managers & Coaches:
...should also please complete the Pre-Season Registration Form which is found here
Please complete Now... !!
Your details will then be shown on the Interested Teams list, plus your email will be added to the Database to receive Newsletters etc...
Don't Miss Out !!
Please respond ASAP.
Extract from Constitution Reg. 11...
11. Pre-Entry Meeting...
- The League's Pre-Entry Meeting in March is to prepare Teams for the coming season and must be attended by all Teams.
- Teams who are not represented at the Pre-Entry Meeting by their Manager or Lead Coach will have their entry seriously questioned.
- Such absent Teams may not be permitted to enter next season's Colts League.
Thanks in anticipation of your co-operation.
Regards in Colts Rugby.
Jon Kitchen - Chairman.
Halbro NW Colts League