Colts League on Facebook...


We know it's not everyone's cup-of-tea however please spread the word regarding the Colts League Facebook Group so those who are interested can use it and contribute.

It's Free to Join...

Your Facebook Group is open to all who play or are involved in Rugby Union in the Halbro NW Colts League - Players, Team Managers, Coaches, Referees, Administrators, etc...

Please encourage your Rugby Friends (or Parents) to submit their Latest Photo's, Video's, and other Colts Rugby related content... and make new friends through Colts League Rugby.

It's also a potential source of whitty banter between the Teams - The more the merrier...


Regards in Colts Rugby.
Jon Kitchen
Jon Kitchen - HonSec.
Halbro NW Colts League.

Sponsors & Charities

HalbroSOS Kit Aid

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England Rugby World Rugby Lancashire Rugby Cheshire RFU

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