Ethos of the North West Colts League

- The NW Colts League exists to serve Club based Colts Players at the Under 18 and Under 17 age-grades.
- The Colts League is an inclusive participation League run by the Members for the Players.
- The League's primary focus shall be on Club based Colts Players playing Rugby Union Football.
- Inclusion and development of Players is maintained above League placing or the winning of trophies.
- Integrity and co-operation on scheduled fixtures is paramount; all else is secondary.
- Without fixtures the Colts League is nothing... and those who default on fixtures can therefore expect nothing.
- The Colts League shall organise weekly fixtures in League or Cup Competitions; thereby assisting Clubs in Player Recruitment Development and Retention, subsequently leading to the introduction of Colts Players to the Senior Club Game.
- The aim of the Colts League is to develop a well informed network of Managers, Coaches, Fixtures Secretaries, Referees and Administrators all sharing experiences and ideas openly; our strength is in our communication with each other but moreover our mutual co-operation.
- The Colts League continually strives for excellence in Club based Colts Rugby; sometimes we fail but mostly in mutual co-operation we maintain our standards and improve something somewhere. We live in the solution not the problem.
- The Ethos of the Colts League is simple clear and coherent but avails to nothing if it is not practiced by everyone to the mutual benefit of all. Colts Coaches and Managers who cannot fully subscribe to these principles should seriously consider whether they are doing justice to the Colts Players in their charge.