Entry Regulations...

Issue 35 - 19th April 2024
1. Entry Forms & Deadline...
1. Publication of Entry Forms for the new season will be notified to all registered email addresses, therefore please ensure you add your email to the League's Database using the Join Mailing List link.
2. The 2024/2025 Entry Deadline is Sun 19th May 2024.
2. Entry Applications...
- Entry Application Forms should be completed Online, printed off, and signed by the Team Manager or Head Coach.
- Printed Forms MUST be counter-signed by the Senior Club Secretary.
... (not MJ Secretary or MJ Chairman).
- Duly Signed Forms must then be scanned, saved as a .PDF and submitted by eMail to entries24@colts-rugby.org.uk
- Scanned PDF Entry Forms must be received by the Entry Deadline.
- Payment of the £95.00 Entry Fee should be submitted Online...
- Colts League Bank Details are outlined on the Entry Form.
- Please submit proof of Entry Fee Payment to entries24@colts-rugby.org.uk along with your signed & scanned Entry Form PDF.
- Entry Applications will not be accepted or processed without an Entry Fee payment having been made.
- Teams waiting for 'a payment to be made by their Club Treasurer' may miss the Entry Deadline.
- You could make your own payment Online and claim it back from your Club.
- Late Entries received beyond the deadline will only be accepted in exceptional circumstances and will be subject to an additional processing fee.
- DO NOT send postal entries or Cheques.
3. Squad Registrations and Seeding Feedback...
1. Squad Registrations and Seeding Feedback must also be received before the Entry Deadline.
2. Deadlines will not be extended...
The League's Online System sends an e-mail acknowledgement to the Team Manager within a few minutes provided you have entered the correct email address...
The Online Entries page is updated automatically on the League website.
...so please DO NOT phone or email to check if your entry has been received...
Any Queries:
Should be directed to: league.admin@colts-rugby.org.uk