Minutes of Committee Meeting - 5 September 2023

Minutes of the North West Leagues Committee Meeting held with Teams Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Present :- Fred Swarbrick ; Peter Rhodes; John Powell; Greg King; Mark Ashley; Sara Ashley; Andy Thompson; Chris Farmiloe; Craig Hines;
Apologies :- Ian Cosens; Paul Riordan;
Minutes of Meeting in June Approved.
Contacts for Each League.
It was confirmed that all contacts for each League were in place ready for result gathering Greg King had an issue with one or two Tele details but he will sort before weekend.
It was noted Warrington 2nds were possibly short of players for this weekend. Chris Farmiloe League Sec would discuss the situation with them.
Greg King told the Meeting that the League Finances were in a particular healthy position. All membership fees had been received, perhaps a record timewise for this completion. Thank you to all our Clubs and sides.
The Benevolent Fund was also looking healthy, but hopefully we won’t have to break into this as we move on into the season.
Fixtures and Placements on the Web Site and GMS.
John P. explained all the Fixtures were now placed on the Web Site and indeed on GMS. He outlined to the Committee the procedure in order to place our results onto GMS. A slight modification from last season and if any cases of problem John was there for support.
A discussion took place regards Registration and Match Cards.
The Halbro Leagues will not be filling in Match Cards. All players must be registered and registrations must be in place certainly by the Monday following the Saturday where a registration might not be in place. In a case of a sending off where a player might not be registered it is important his registration is put in place before the Monday deadline.
All results to be sent to the relevant League Contact certainly by 6.00p.m. on the Saturday.
Ian Cosens had offered his apologies, but at the present time Sponsorships for all the Leagues and Cup Competitions were in place, Ian will update on his return.
6. A.O.B.
Reminder of the new Rule was discussed. If a senior side might need to concede the lower sides in the Club will be able to play. In the event of a win they will only be awarded 2 points. The senior side with the “concede” will carry a 5 point deduction.
In a case of an agreed postponement, this can only be allowed where both teams are the lowest teams in a club and a rearranged date is sorted.
Andy Thompson mentioned the situation of Referee expenses. These will now come under the jurisdiction of the Madref Society and there will be no need to offer expenses to the Referees on the day.
** Sides that use our Association Referees will need to pay these Gentlemen their expenses on the day… The same applies to Liverpool Society appointments.
Thank you to all the attendees for their valuable comments. It was clear the anticipation is building for the start this Saturday the 7th September.
The Meeting closed at 7.45 p.m.
Fred Swarbrick