Lancashire Colts Cup 2024/2025 - Entry Details...

Lancashire Competitions Commmittee is pleased to announce publication of the Entry Details for this season's Lancashire Colts Cup...
Entry Applications:
Must be made on the Official Entry Form which should be completed, signed, scanned (as a PDF file), and submitted by eMail.
Entry Fees:
Should be paid Online. Details are outlined on the Entry Form.
A copy of your Bank Payment Receipt must be submitted along with your Entry.
No Proof of Payment will invalidate Your Entry...
Entry Deadline:
is: Sat 5th October 2024.
First Round Cup Ties:
are on Sun 10th November 2024.
Please submit your Entry soonest so the draw can take place.
of County Cup Ties are as scheduled in the Structured Season.
Lancashire Colts Cup Resources...
Lancashire Colts Cup Regulations.
Lancashire Colts Cup Match Card.
Good Luck to all Competing Teams...
Regards in Colts Rugby.
Jon Kitchen - Cup Secretary.
Lancs Colts Competitions.